Heavy dot rocks is a personal website with no particular aim or goal, programmed and written by some guy I'm sure you don't know. This is mainly for my own amusement and skill building goofing off. Or to occasionally share my thoughts and learnings with others.

Just some guy playing around online like it's still 1999.

This site is developed using the SSG 11ty. You can check out the site README to see more details about the development of this site.

I have a blog if you are interested in that.

If you'd care to know a bit more about me, here is a bit of a bio. Feel free to hit me up on Mastodon if you'd like @finner. Finally, you could send hate mail or site feedback to my inbox.

Recent Posts

  1. ssh-askpass Frustration
    Thu, Dec 28, 2023
    Troubleshooting ssh-askpass Arch Linux Wayland
    Some notes on what finally worked for me when I ran into trouble with ssh-askpass.
  2. From Apache to Nginx
    Mon, Dec 26, 2022
    Tutorials Apache Nginx
    A basic tutorial to migrate from Apache webserver to Nginx webserver.
  3. Contributing. A Git Tutorial.
    Mon, Dec 19, 2022
    Tutorials Git
    A tutorial to help get started using git to contribute to an open source project.

Recent Recipes

  1. Macaroni Salad
    Sat, Oct 28, 2023
    Side Lunch Dinner
    The best macaroni salad.
  2. Grilled Chicken Sandwich
    Sat, Oct 28, 2023
    Chicken Sandwich Lunch Dinner
    Simple marinade grilled chicken breast sandwich.
  3. Spanish Rice
    Tue, Jun 13, 2023
    Mexican Rice Dinner
    Simple and basic Spanish Rice Recipe.